What Are The Pros And Cons Of Deep Cleaning Teeth?

Published: March 29, 2023

Deep cleaning is a procedure that involves cleaning your teeth and gums deeply with some dental tools. It helps remove the deposition of plaque and tartar in the teeth, which can sometimes destroy your teeth, and you may lose them.

A deep cleaning helps prevent gum disease and other dental issues. So it’s significant to regularly brush, floss, and see your orthodontist in Hialeah twice yearly for dental cleanings.

What are deep teeth cleaning?

Deep teeth cleaning, also known as scaling and root planing, is a procedure to remove the buildup of plaque and tartar. It is mainly used to treat periodontal disease or gum disease. It removes plaque and tartar from below and above the gum line, smoothing the root surface to let the gum tissue heal and firmly reattach the tooth. This procedure is typically done with a local anesthetic to make the patient comfortable.

Dentists first perform scaling, removing plaque and tartar from below and above the gum line. During this step, the dentist uses a scaler or ultrasound device to remove the plaque and tartar.

The second step is root planing. In this, the dentist smoothens the root surfaces of the teeth so that the gum tissue can heal and reattach firmly to the tooth. This is done using a unique tool to remove rough spots on the root surface and make it even.

Therefore, deep teeth cleaning is an effective procedure for periodontal disease. After the deep teeth cleaning, the patient needs to care for their teeth and mouth to keep the teeth and gums healthy.

Brushing, however, can’t remove all plaque in between your teeth. Excess plaque calcifies or hardens, which forms tartar. So deep cleaning can help remove the tough tartar and plaque from your teeth.

What are the benefits of deep cleaning teeth?

Here are some of the advantages of deep cleaning teeth:

  • Deep cleaning teeth helps to remove plaque and tartar buildup that is not easily reached by regular brushing and flossing.
  • Deep cleaning also helps to reduce inflammation, gum recession, and tartar buildup, which can lead to more serious dental problems if left unchecked.
  • It can help to reduce the risk of developing cavities and tooth decay by removing bacteria and debris from hard-to-reach places.
  • It can help to reduce bad breath caused by bacteria buildup in the mouth. It can help to improve overall oral health as it helps to keep the teeth and gums healthy. It can also help reduce the risk of developing periodontal disease, a severe dental complication leading to tooth loss.
  • It can help improve teeth’ appearance by removing discoloration and staining caused by food, drinks, and smoking.
  • Therefore, teeth cleaning can make your teeth look whiter and brighter, reducing teeth sensitivity.

What are the drawbacks of deep cleaning teeth?

Deep cleaning can treat gum disease and other dental problems. The procedure has its risks. Here are some of the disadvantages of deep cleaning teeth include:

  • Nerve damage
  • No guarantee of the reattachment of your gums to your teeth
  • Gums may recede
  • Chances of infection

In Conclusion:

A deep dental cleaning can help prevent gum diseases but has some risks. Before getting the treatment, talk to your Miami children dentist; if you are considering it for your child. Schedule an appointment now!

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