Common Symptoms of Root Canal Infections

Published: October 12, 2023

A root canal infection is a dental condition that can hurt your teeth and make them uncomfortable. When bacteria become contaminated on the interior of your tooth, it occurs. Knowing the typical symptoms of a root canal infection is crucial for prompt treatment for tooth infection. These symptoms will be explained in detail in this post.

Symptoms of a Root Canal Infection


One of the main sign in signs of root canal is a painful toothache. It may be a persistent, excruciating discomfort that worsens with chewing or applying pressure to the tooth. Even at night, the agony could cause you to awaken.

Temperature Sensitivity

When you consume hot or cold foods or beverages, you could experience a sudden, shooting pain. Even after you’ve completed eating or drinking, this sensitivity may still be present.

Enlarged Gums

The gums may occasionally swell and feel sensitive to the touch around an infected tooth. Because of this, it could hurt to floss or brush your teeth.

Increasing Tooth Darkness

The tooth with the infection may begin to change color. It might turn grayish or possibly get so dark that it looks brownish or black.

Pimple On The Gums

On the gums close to the diseased tooth, a pimple-like growth known as a gum boil or dental abscess may occasionally develop. When you press on this hump, a foul-tasting fluid may be released.

Bad Breath

foul breath or a lingering foul taste in your mouth may indicate a root canal infection. The infection may emit a disagreeable odor.

Taping Or Pressing Causes Pain

During an examination, your dentist could tap or press on your teeth. When they do this, you can experience discomfort. This could indicate a root canal issue.

What to Do If You Experience These Signs

It’s critical to consult a dentist right away if you’re feeling any of these root canal symptoms. To find out if you have a root canal infection, they might inspect your tooth and take X-rays. The more quickly you receive care, the greater your chance of preserving the affected tooth and getting pain relief.

Root Canal Infection Treatment

Your dentist will probably advise a root canal procedure if they determine that you have a root canal infection. Here’s what to anticipate:


A local anesthetic will be used by your dentist to numb the region surrounding the affected tooth. Throughout the process, you won’t experience any pain.

Removing The Infection

To access the infected pulp, your dentist will make a small incision in your tooth and provide antibiotics for tooth infection. They will clean the inside of the tooth, remove any infected tissue, and form the root canals.

Completing And Securing

After cleaning, your dentist will use a unique substance called gutta-percha to fill the empty area inside your tooth. In order to stop additional infection, this substance plugs the tooth.


Your tooth will typically require a crown to regain its strength and beauty. To design a bespoke crown, your dentist will make impressions of your tooth and send them to a dental lab. As soon as the permanent crown is prepared, you will put it on.


In order to be sure the infection has fully disappeared and your tooth is recovering properly, you might need to schedule a follow-up appointment with the dentist.


A root canal infection is treatable, even if it can be uncomfortable and painful. Schedule an appointment with a dentist if you experience any of the aforementioned root canal infection symptoms, such as severe toothache, swollen gums, or sensitivity to heat or cold. However, if you take the necessary precautions, you may be able to minimize the discomfort while still maintaining your tooth, giving you a brighter, more attractive smile.

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