What Causes Varicose Veins In California?

Published: June 19, 2023

Varicose veins are everyday situations that affect many people, causing enlarged and twisted veins, usually in the legs. While they may be a cosmetic issue, varicose veins can lead to various health issues and cause discomfort if left undiagnosed and untreated. Understanding the risk factors and causes linked with varicose veins can help you seek appropriate treatment and take preventive steps.

If you want to treat varicose veins, you would think, “What kind of doctor treats varicose veins?”. Your initial care doctor might advise you to discuss a surgeon or Dermatologist, a phlebologist, or a vascular surgeon specializing in treating vein issues.

What Are The Causes Of Varicose Veins?

Varicose veins create when the valves among the veins fail, resulting in low blood flow and blood pooling. Several circumstances contribute to the establishment of varicose veins. These Include:

Damaged or Weak Valves:

Blood flow is managed by valves in healthy veins, guaranteeing that it only flows in one direction, i.e., towards the heart. Blood can accumulate in the veins and flow backward when these valves are broken or weak, which causes the veins to form and expand into varicose veins.

Vein Wall Weakness: 

Vein walls have flexible fibers that keep and compress their form. Varicose veins can originate when the boundaries of the veins lose or weaken their flexibility, causing the veins to grow and stretch.

Hormonal adjustments: 

Varicose veins can form due to hormonal changes during adolescence, pregnancy, or menopause. The vein valves and walls may become more liable to malfunction due to hormonal changes.

Family background

The beginning of varicose veins is highly affected by genetics. The probability of getting varicose veins appears if your family has a background of having them. Due to inherited situations, you may be liable for illness if you have fragile vein walls and valves.

Long periods of sitting or standing:

Prolonged standing or sitting while living or working can raise the probability of developing varicose veins. A long time in one stance may impact blood flow, increasing force on the veins and causing veins enlargement.


The veins must perform harder to flow blood due to the added pressure that more weight puts on them. Varicose veins should result from the veins’ valves and walls being weaker because of their increasing stress.


As everyone gets older, the veins in our legs may lose and weaken their elasticity, increasing the probability of varicose veins. Aging causes tear and wear on the veins, making them more disposed to dysfunction.

In Conclusion

Your common well-being may hurt if you have varicose veins. While various underlying sources may exist for varicose veins, knowing the risk factors may help you proactively stop their reoccurrence. Lower your risk of varicose veins and improve circulation by leading a healthy life that includes routine exercise, eating the proper meals, and avoiding long periods of standing or sitting.

It is critical to get medicated advice from a varicose vein specialist called, Dermatologist. If you have any symptoms or family background of varicose veins. They can provide an appropriate diagnosis, suggest suitable surgeries, and advise modifying everyone’s lifestyle. Remember that maintenance and early treatment can manage varicose veins and improve your general quality of life.

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