How to calculate the exact date of birth?

In the past, pregnant women used many traditional, imprecise methods for calculating pregnancy and the expected due date. They did not have any scientific knowledge to calculate the exact pregnancy, and they did not know the gender of the fetus until after birth. With the development of science, doctors were able to find many ways to calculate the exact date of birth. Learn about the most common methods in how to calculate an accurate pregnancy.
- Birth date calculator
- How to calculate pregnancy
- Calculating the date of intercourse
- Calculate the correct due date
- Calculating pregnancy by menstrual cycle
- Pregnancy calculator by irregular cycle
- Hijri birth calculator
- Pregnancy calculator by weeks
Birth date calculator
Many women during pregnancy are interested in calculating and determining the date of birth, so the pregnancy calculator tracks the expected date of birth and helps women know the duration of pregnancy and the age of the fetus inside the mother’s womb, especially if this is the first pregnancy of the woman, as this is done by entering the date of the first day of the last date The menstrual cycle and based on the information that you have entered, the pregnancy calculator will accurately determine the date of birth, and through it you can help the pregnant woman follow the age of the fetus during pregnancy, so you must enter all the information accurately to maintain your health and the health of the fetus.
In addition to the smart way that the pregnancy calculator does to calculate the date of pregnancy and the way it displays the information with ease, it works to provide a detailed and accurate report for the pregnancy period and names the gestational age and also the current month and the current pregnancy week and the number of days from the beginning of the pregnancy period and through the date of the first day at the end menstruation .
Pregnancy period can be calculated using the pregnancy calculator. The date of birth is in the Gregorian and Hijri dates. The natural date of birth is considered to be nine months, but by calculating the pregnancy calculator, seven days are added to the date of the first day of the end of the last menstruation, in this way, the expected date of birth is known, not the final, but in That period will have completed the natural nine months of the date of delivery, and she can give birth to her newborn, whether the birth was natural or by cesarean section .
How to calculate pregnancy
- There are many ways for a pregnant woman to know when she is going to give birth, which helps her precisely to follow the period of her pregnancy from its beginning to the end of the pregnancy and the birth of her baby.
- Many pregnant women these days use some of these methods to follow the different stages of pregnancy that the pregnant woman is exposed to during that period and her mood changes according to each stage she will go through. She can follow the pregnancy through.
- Gregorian months with the beginning of the menstruation period.
- Hijri months.
- Calculating the period of pregnancy in weeks to increase the reassurance of the health of the mother and fetus by following up on her pregnancy period in weeks.
Calculating the date of intercourse
This is done through several methods:
- Pregnancy occurs in most cases in some women after intercourse, it is certain that pregnancy occurs after the practice of the marital relationship, this period may be after one or two times the practice of the marital relationship.
- So if you are using this method to calculate the appropriate date for the birth of your baby, you must be fully aware of the exact date and time of the day on which the last intercourse occurred.
- However, this method cannot be completely relied upon, as intercourse may occur more than once during that cycle.
- It is difficult for a woman to determine the date of fertilization and at what time specifically fertilization occurred.
- But if she is fully aware of the exact date and day on which intercourse occurred and the number of times it occurred in this case, the method becomes very feasible and useful for the woman to know the date of her pregnancy and follow the stages of its progress, but 266 days must be added to the date of the last intercourse for this period, which is equivalent to 38 weeks.
- But despite all that, doctors do not advise following this method during the monthly period during pregnancy, because even if she is fully aware of the date of the last intercourse, it may be that pregnancy did not occur during that period for some women.
Calculate the correct due date
To find out how to determine the correct pregnancy date, there are two ways. These methods are among the correct ways to know when the fetus is in the womb, and these two methods are:
Calculating pregnancy by menstrual cycle
- Many doctors use this method to find out the date of conception, as the date of conception is calculated from the date of bleeding on the first day of the last menstrual period.
- Through this method, pregnancy is forty weeks from the date of its occurrence, meaning that the date of conception is calculated before it occurs, because pregnancy occurs on the 14th day of the end of the menstrual period.
- Although this method is considered one of the most famous ways to follow the pregnancy period, it cannot be applied to all women, but it is applied to those whose cycles are regular, that is, every 28 days only.
Pregnancy calculator by irregular cycle
- In the event of irregular menstruation, changes that occur in the woman’s body can be observed in order to know the date of conception.
- Through this, you can move to find out the date of conception by adding 40 weeks.
Hijri birth calculator
For many mothers, the exact date of birth can be calculated using the Hijri date as well. The method is:
- The majority of pregnant women use the Gregorian calendar to calculate the approximate date of birth, but in order to calculate the actual date of birth, the Hijri calendar must be used.
- In order to know the exact date of birth in the Hijri date, it can be calculated using the pregnancy calculator. Enter the calculator and add 2 weeks and nine months to the date of the first day of your period.
- The pregnancy calculator helps many mothers to maintain their health and the health of their newborn.
- You can not convert the date to Hijri because the machine supports the Hijri calendar and helps you to accurately calculate the time of pregnancy and childbirth.
- When a woman becomes certain that she is pregnant, she searches for many mini-applications to calculate the due date.
- The Hijri calendar helps the pregnant woman in one way or another.
- For a pregnant woman, there are many different ways to monitor her pregnancy in the natural form of pregnancy.
- One of the last ways for you to monitor pregnancy through the Hijri calendar pregnancy calculator program is to accurately set the end date of the last menstrual period.
Pregnancy calculator by weeks
- Many women start calculating their due date when they know they are pregnant by weeks.
- The pregnancy calculator service helps the woman to maintain her health and the health of the fetus.
- The period of pregnancy begins after the bleeding of the last menstrual period, as that period is called the ovulation period, when the egg becomes completely ready for fertilization.
- Pregnancy occurs on the eighth to tenth and fourteenth day after menstruation.
- The gestation period ranges from 40 weeks to 42 weeks.
- During pregnancy, you must rely on following the instructions and advice of the specialist doctor and regularly visiting the doctor.
There are many electronic methods by which the expected date of delivery can be calculated. Each woman has the method she prefers and finds suitable for her pregnancy and her fetus.
In the end, pregnancy is one of the greatest blessings that God bestows on women, but you must, my sister, be patient with pain and aches, and calculate the reward, because patience is one of the most important things necessary at this stage.