Pregnancy calculator in Gregorian months

Published: March 30, 2022

Pregnancy period is calculated by means of the pregnancy calculator in Gregorian months . These calculation methods and methods depend on the date of the end of the menstrual period in women. If a woman forgets her period, she may resort to an ultrasound examination in which the doctor measures the size of the fetus, estimating the gestational age, and the expected date of delivery.

Pregnancy calculator in Gregorian months

Pregnancy is estimated at 40 weeks, which is equivalent to 9 months and 7 days in the Gregorian months.

Calculating pregnancy in Gregorian months 9 months and 7 days are added to the date of the start of pregnancy, we assume that the first day after the end of the menstrual period is 06-03-2019 AD and the estimated fertility period is from 13-06-2019 AD to 23-06-2019 AD and we consider that the 17- 06-2019 AD is the day of the expected pregnancy, then we add 9 months and 7 days to it, so 09-04-2012 AD is the expected date of birth. You can use the pregnancy calculator in Gregorian months to make it easier for you.

Pregnancy and Fetal Development Calculator

The first and second months

The fetus begins to form with the spinal cord and heart, then the brain, the limbs and all the major organs, and the weight of the fetus may reach about 4 grams, then pregnancy symptoms such as fatigue, nausea and breast congestion begin, after which the symptoms of pregnancy begin, such as fatigue, nausea and breast congestion, you should avoid lifting weights, hard work and taking medications In these months only with medical advice.

The third and fourth months

The fetus develops , and its weight increases to 120 grams, and at this stage it can distinguish the sex of the fetus, and the woman begins to feel the movement of the fetus, and the symptoms of pregnancy begin to fade for the first time.

The fifth and sixth months

The fetus becomes more mobile and active as it constantly changes its position, its hair grows on its body, and the weight of women increases significantly, and the weight of the fetus reaches about 700 grams.

The ninth month

In this month the fetus is full, prepare for birth at any time, if you notice abnormal symptoms, contact the doctor immediately.

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